Friday, January 14, 2011

What's your sign?

So everyone has been in a tizzy these last few days at the news that the Zodiac sign they have followed all their lives might not be right. Apparently a story hit the interwebs that a mysterious 13th sign that was tossed out back in the day, like a trouble making drunk, had shifted everyone's sign over one. Suddenly Virgos were Libras, Capricorns were Aquariuseses, and the world was about to spin of its axis! If my astrological sign is not what I thought it was, how could my horoscope have ever come true?!?! I mean these things are very specific, its not everyone that will "experience new challenges" or "find things overwhelming" today. If I have been reading the wrong horoscope everyday, imagine how many "interesting new people" I missed out on meeting.

Fear not, however, as it appears our fears my have been for not. As it turns out this miscalculations of our Zodiac signs is not new at all, and can be explained by the rotation of the Earth, or the Sun's rays, or something. I don't can read it here though. So everyone can relax. Your still a Leo, Sagittarius, or whatever it is you have been all your life. Keep on reading those horoscopes and dreaming of what the future holds. Who knows, one of them might actually come true one day. Now that this is all settled, can we all go back to worrying about the impending apocalypse? I've got a bomb shelter I have to finish building. 2012 will be here before we know it....

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