Thursday, January 6, 2011

My Epic Fail.....

So.....I learned a few things after watching my last blog entry go down in flames.  First thing I learned is that the majority of people don't give a good god damn about sports. Second thing I learned is that those who do would rather get their sports analysis from sites like ESPN and not some random blogging sports junkie. To be honest I am the same way, so I can't blame anyone for not reading my NFL post. The thing is I am a sports junkie and hopefully one day I will be writing about sports for a living. So my plan for this blog was to work on my skills on sports writing and throw in a few other random posts to try and get some laughs along the way. I was convinced that everyone would read my blog and somehow it would work its way to someone over at ESPN or something and I would be the next big sports writer on the web and TV and stuff. Crazy I know but it was my dream...well it still is my dream, but my plans for this blog have changed. A wise person told me recently that people want to read about your thoughts and feelings, more than some random sports post. They want emotion and reality and even a little craziness. Its human psychology. So what I'm going to do with this now is write more about my thoughts and feelings about things, and rant on some stuff that's bothering me every now and again. And even though I've been told by a certain someone that I'm not very funny, I'm gonna try and make you laugh a little along the way. I am still, and always will be a sports fan at heart though, so there is still going to be a little sports thrown into my posts, but its going to be mostly about everyday life and people. But that's enough seriousness for now, so for no apparent reason, here is a silly looking duck.....

There are a few things I want to talk about besides the soul searching I've been doing.

So New Year's Eve has come and gone. For us University students that means that exams are around the corner and its time to break the seal on those books. You know....the ones you bought a few months ago and have been using as a door stop ever since. But I have noticed an interesting phenomena taking place in classrooms and lecture halls around Uni. It appears as though students have been magically multiplying. How else would you explain that lectures have seemed a lot more crowded lately? Actually its all the people that disappeared somewhere around week 2. I guess they all realized that its time to get their shit together if they want any hope of passing. Now I could really care less about the attendance habits or random students, because truth be told, I used to be one of those kids who never showed up to class and hoped it would all work out at exam time. The one thing that i can't stand is all the stupid questions they are asking now, while they try to make up for lost time. I mean seriously, do I need to hear you trying to pry out any little piece of info you can, in some desperate attempt to get a passing grade?!?!  Can't you all just go back to sleeping in the back of the class, while the rest of us actually try to learn something?
Its bad enough we had to put up with all the regular, mind numbing stupid questions, and constant talking amongst yourselves. I mean who hasn't fought the urge to jam a pen into the neck of the chatty girl sitting in front of you. What...? Nobody...? OK, maybe that last one was just me. But seriously, why can't it be like the good old days and people just failed with dignity? Kids these days...tsk tsk. But i digress. This post has gone on faaaar to long, so I'll wrap it up here. Don't worry though, I'm sure I'll find something else to rant about soon.  For now I'll leave you with this.....

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