its been a while, eh? As I dust the cobwebs off this blog, I'd like to apologize for the lack of posts lately. Its been a crazy last month or so trying to cram for exams and finishing off assignments, so lets just say my brain was going through a bit of a meltdown. Not exactly the right state of mind to try to write about something....not coherently anyways. Then again, nobody ever accused me of being articulate. Now after some time unwinding, I'm finally back to rant and rave about all the things I've been keeping bottled up inside me the last little while. But enough about that, lets get right into it.

I came across a picture recently (left) that I thought was pretty cool so I posted it on my Facebook page. The picture was from The Beatles' appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show. This sparked some lively conversation among the 'older' crowd on my friends list. Basically reminiscing about the past. It was a 'where were you when...' moment. The kind of thing that stays with you forever. This got me to thinking. Who in our current entertainment culture, holds as much weight these days as The Beatles or James Dean did in their days? After debating it for a while, I realized that there is nobody today that has as much of an impact on us as the stars of the past did on previous generations. There are a few reasons that I think are to blame. The first is the over commercialization of celebrities these days. All singers, save a few exceptions, are basically just manufactured, cookie cutter artists. They look the same, they sound the same, and are basically interchangeable. I mean would anyone notice if they took Lady Gaga out of one of her videos, and swapped in, lets say, Britney Spears? I say no. Another problem is that in this up-to-the-second day and age of Youtube and Twitter, we are in such a rush to crown everyone 'The Next Big Thing" that nobody has to prove themselves anymore. Come out with one half decent song, or star in some crappy movie that happens to pander to the masses, and the next thing you know the media is crowning this person as the best ever. It happens in music, movies and sports. Nobody wants to pay their dues anymore. Everyone wants to become overnight celebrities.

Somebody told me a story once of the day Elvis died. Apparently when it was discovered that he had passed away, radio stations around America cut into their programming and announced the phrase "The King is dead", or some variation. Only those words, but everyone knew immediately what it meant. People were heartbroken as if a member of their family had just died. I started thinking, and was hard pressed to come up with anyone nowadays that would illicit such a response. I mean do you seriously think that if Justin Bieber, who ridiculously
compared himself to The Beatles, were to bite the big one tomorrow, anyone would even care? Besides a few million preteen girls that is. I doubt it. More than likely the next pop star, direct from the factory, would just step in and take his place without missing a beat. No pun intended.
Personally I hope things turn around in my lifetime and we start to see the return of the life altering, trail blazing superstar. I'd like to look back in 30 years and be able to tell my kids about the time that 'so and so' changed my life. I want my 'where were you when...' moment too. I mean God forbid all I have to tell my future children about is